Stefan Tiefengraber

Artists02/// Stefan Tiefengraber
Born 1981 in Baden bei Wien/Austria. After working six years in a film production company he changed his main place of residence to Linz/Austria where he 2010 started studying Timebased and Interactive Media at University of Art and Design Linz. 
Stefan Tiefengrabers art works go from performances to interactive installations to time based media like experimental video and documentaries. This works have been exhibited at Ars Electronica Festival 2014 (Linz/Austria), O'NewWall Gallery (Seoul/Korea), TodaysArt 2014 (Den Haag/Netherlands), WRO Media Art Biennale 2015 (Wroclaw/Poland), Piksel Festival 2013 (Bergen/Norway), … 

Performance Introduction/// 
'WM_EX10 WM_A28 TCM_200DV BK26 BK26' is a noise performance where sound and video are generated through short circuits the artist Stefan Tiefengraber produces with his wet fingers on opened devices. The skin’s resistance and the conductance of the human body combined with the components of the circuits are modifying the sound. 
The audio signal that is audible through the speakers is sent to CRT monitors and a video Projector which are visualizing the signal in flickering and abstract shapes and lines in black and white. 
The used devices, such as 'Walkmans' and 'Bontempi' keyboards are still useful in their original function. The title of the performance is the type designation of the devices and changes with the objects used.

藝術家02/// Stefan Tiefengraber
Stefan的創作涵蓋表演藝術、互動裝置以及實驗錄像與紀實影片為主的時基媒新體藝術,作品曾於2014奧地利林茲電子藝術節、韓國首爾O'NewWal藝廊、2014荷蘭海牙今日藝術、2015波蘭WRO媒體藝術雙年展、2013挪威Piksel Festival 展出。

命名為'WM_EX10 WM_A28 TCM_200DV BK26 BK26'的噪音表演是藝術家Stefan以沾溼的手指在碰觸拆解的器材後,產生的短路作用進而生成聲音與影像。並透過皮膚電阻、人體導電及電路元件三方的交互作用,進行聲音內容的變異與修飾。

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