Lacking Sound Festival Special Listen 80.5
2014, March, 06 (Thu.) @noiseKitchen
Entrance Time︱18:30 Starts Punctually At 19:00
Entrance Fee︱NT$.200 (with drink)
Artist︱Philippe Petit x Yannick Barman
PHILIPPE PETIT is interested in soundtracks; even if he creates original music he'd rather be introduced as a "musical travel agent" than a composer. Since the early 2000s he has been performing the world, playing festivals all over Europe, Canada, USA, Mexico, Australia & Asia...
To compose musics he uses various instruments or devices, though most notably an Electric Psalterion + Hackbrett Cymbalum + prepaired Guitars + turntables as well as a computer and synths to build up electronic layers, process acoustic and field recordings. On top of those, he likes to move various glasses, pieces of wood, stones, or percussive objects, as well as taking advantage of vinyl material to fondle released sounds.
PETIT has assembled what people call a dream-team of collaborators, often joining Murcof, E.C.O., Lydia Lunch or Faust onstage, and working with: Foetus, Eugene Robinson (Oxbow), Edward Ka-Spel (Legendary Pink Dots), Kumo, Scott McCloud (Girls Against Boys), Cosey Fanni Tutti (Throbbing Gristle), Fennesz, Machinefabriek, My Brightest Diamond, Sybarite, Pantaleimon, Graham Lewis (Wire), Barry Adamson, Scanner, Cindytalk, Mira Calix, Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Guapo, Leafcutter John, James Johnston (Gallon Drunk/Bad Seeds/Faust), ASVA, Jarboe and many more...
YANNICK BARMAN was born in 1973 in Switzerland. Laureate of 1st Price Trumpet Virtuosity of Conservatoire de Musique of Lausanne (1996), 1st Trumpet Price (1997) and Excellence Price of Conservatoire Rueil-Malmaison, France(1998). Yannick has collaborated with Steve Swallow, Andrea Parkins, Daniel Humaire, Ohad talmor, Dragos Tara, Laurent Bruttin, David Doyon, Jacques Hostettler, Cyril Regamey, Malcolm Braff, Rova saxophone quartet, Sakoto Fujii, Dominik Burkhalter, Urs Leimgruber, Christy Doran, Stade, Bruno Amstad, Blixa Bargeld, Black Cracker, etc...
YB played his own music and visual in Switzerland, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Portugal, Mali, Burkina Faso, China, Viet-Nam, Thailand, USA, Albania, Austria, Hungary, Lichtenstein, Taiwan, Lettland, Italy, Russia, ... Also played with the Sinfonietta Orchestra of Lausanne, Tibor Varga Festival Orchestra, Chambre Orchestra of Neuchâtel, Philadelphia Curtis Institute Orchestra under the conduction of Kurt Mazur (in the context of the Music Academy of Verbier, Switzerland), soloist in the Lativa Orchestra (Riga), soloist in the AIDOMOS Orchestra (International Academy of musical interpretation for symphonic orchestra), trumpet solo in the Swiss Youth Orchestra from 1993 to 1995.
失聲祭之特別演出場 Listen 80.5
2014, March, 06 (Thu.) @噪咖
入場時間︱18:30入場 19:00準時開始
入場費︱NT$.200 (含飲料)
演出者︱Philippe Petit x Yannick Barman
來自法國的聲音藝術家Philippe Petit,被稱作是「音樂旅行家」。他的作品嘗試使用的工具十分多元,如電子psalterion(古代一種類似竪琴的撥弦樂器),砍琴,欽巴龍(匈牙利揚琴),吉他,唱盤,電腦,電子合成器等來堆砌電子樂層,處理各式聲音。除此之外,他也擅於使用玻璃,木頭,石頭,打擊類物品,黑膠等材質製造聲音。
他曾與許多國際知名的唱片公司合作,包括Aagoo, Southern UK, Monotype, Alrealon Musique, Beta Lactam Ring, Sub Rosa, HomeNormal, Important, HelloSquare, Public Eyesore, Utech, Staubgold等。近期與Jean-Paul Dessy 的Musiques Nouvelles 和European Chamber 樂隊合作。並與 Foetus, Eugene Robinson (Oxbow), Edward Ka-Spel (Legendary Pink Dots), Kumo, Scott McCloud (Girls Against Boys), Cosey Fanni Tutti (Throbbing Gristle), Fennesz, Machinefabriek, My Brightest Diamond, Sybarite, Pantaleimon, Graham Lewis (Wire), Barry Adamson, Scanner, Cindytalk, Mira Calix, Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Guapo, Leafcutter John, James Johnston (Gallon Drunk/Bad Seeds/Faust), ASVA, Jarboe 等合作。
Yannick Barman 1973年出生於瑞士。曾獲洛桑的Trumpet Virtuosity of Conservatoire de Musique 首獎(1996) , Trumpet Price首獎(1997)與Conservatoire Rueil-Malmaison卓越獎(1998)。
獨立演出於瑞士,法國,德國,波蘭,比利時,葡萄牙,馬里,布基納法索,中國,越南,越南,泰國,美國,阿爾巴尼亞,奧地利,匈牙利,列支敦士登,台灣,拉脫維亞,意大利,俄羅斯等國家。並參與洛桑的Sinfonietta 樂隊,Tibor Varga節的樂隊,納沙泰爾的Chambre樂隊,在Kurt Mazur的指揮下參與Philadelphia Curtis機構的樂隊,於Lativa, AIDOMOS, Swiss Youth(1993-1995)等樂隊獨奏。
LSF Curator︱ LAI Tsung-Yun x Kuan-YI
協辦單位︱台北數位藝術中心 ─噪咖
Supervised by︱Department of Cultural Affairs Taipei City Government
Organized by︱Lacking Sound Festival Team
In Cooperation with Digital Art Center, Taipei ─noiseKitchen
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