
文/ Ko yu jia


本次LSF70失聲祭十分熱鬧,總計有五位表演者,有兩位遠道而來,第一位表演者Jorge Sanchez Chiong,畢業於維也納音樂院,也是維也納大學的跨領域計劃負責人,其表演的形式,與大多數聲響表演者或DJ演出相去不遠:以數位或類比聲響加上混音器、效果器為主,搭配大量的黑膠選碟,製造聲響的層次感,另有一名Mapping創作者鄭乃銓以影像呼應,是一種樂音式的噪音演出──也就是說,雖然以雜訊、電子聲響等所謂噪音為內容,但其韻律、層疊仍有秩序與安排,彷彿「一人編制交響樂」,而且,表演者在反饋力極小的裝置(或電腦)按鍵上游走,卻大幅度地屈張身體,看起來完全就像一名交響樂指揮。

「樂音式的噪音」該如何形容呢?它幾乎沒有旋律可言,但仍有十分豐富的節奏與音頻,其中一段,由於環繞音響效果加乘,Jorge Sanchez Chiong的電子雜訊充盈整個空間,聲響在耳鳴與耳聰之間迴盪,耳膜酥麻的體驗令人印象深刻,這與先前體驗過的大多數噪音演出,只管將音量開到最大聲,挑戰掩耳尺度,並在最後一刻收手,留下空然寂靜中耳鳴嗡嗡作響的體驗完全不同。


Lacking Sound Festival Listen 70
2013, April, 13 (Sat) @noiseKitchen
Entrance Time︱18:30 Starts Punctually At 19:00
Entrance Fee︱NT$.150(with drink)

【LSF Artist-in-Residence Program 3.2】

Special Guest︱Jorge Sanchez Chiong
Special Guest︱Karlheinz Essl

Artist︱CHENG Yi-Ping (aka Betty Apple)
Artist︱YE Yu-Jun

LSF Artist-in-Residence Program 3.2 Performance Introduction︱Feminine Sound II– Spring
Artists│CHENG Yi-Ping, aka Betty Apple × YE Yu-Jun
What is live performance, after all? What is that appealing us to go for one after another live performance in the same space? Is that experience?
Or could we just call it “sacrifice rite”? Then whom is the rite held for?
Silently sound is telling us the way of its direction.

This performance is an improvisation of body-sound-poem from two female artists.
The text of sound is taken from the fragments of life which is full of staggered details. These two will choose out some objects relating to their own experience, touching them with their own bodies, and record and re-produce the sound in live performance. In the interflow of sound, they are going to make an live montage of mind.

Jorge Sanchez Chiong

Special Guest︱Jorge Sanchez Chiong
Jorge Sanchez Chiong was born in Caracas, Venezuela, to Cuban and Chinese parents, in 1969. He studied composition in Vienna under Francis Burt and Michael Jarrell. His works, which take the vitality and spontaneity of improvisation as their point of departure, often transcend the bounds of the concert hall and find their continuation in the realms of experimental theater, video art, dance, and electronics.  In 2009 he directed the multidisciplinary project „New Air“ at the University of Vienna.

Karlheinz Essl

Special Guest︱Karlheinz Essl
Born in Vienna, 15 Aug 1960. Austrian composer, performer, improviser, media artist and composition teacher. Karlheinz Essl attended the Vienna Musikhochschule (1979--87), where he studied composition with Friedrich Cerha and electro-acoustic music with Dieter Kaufmann. He also studied musicology and art history at the University of Vienna (doctorate 1989 with his thesis Das Synthese-Denken bei Anton Webern).
Essl also served as composer-in-residence at the Darmstadt summer courses (1990-94) and completed a commission for IRCAM (Paris) in 1993. Between 1995-2006 he taught Algorithmic Composition at the Studio for Advanced Music & Media Technology at the Bruckner University, Linz. Since 2007, he is professor of composition for electro-acoustic and experimental music at the Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts.
Program︱WalkürenWalk (2013)
               non Sequitur (2008 ff.)
               Tristan's Lament (2013) - world premiere

YE Yu-Jun ( 葉育君 )

Artist︱YE Yu-Jun
YE Yu-Jun has studied in France since 2001, during which she achieved Master’s degrees of Diplôme National Suprieurexpression Plastique from Ecole Nationale Supérieur d'Arts de Paris-Cergy and of Art et Media Numérique from Paris1–Sorbonne. The forms of his works are mainly of performance art, video installation and sound performance, focusing on the relationship between the privacy of bodies and public space. During his study in France, she took part in Réseau Artskool, an international art organization, and studied with France-renowned choreographer Daniel Dobbels. After returning to Taiwan, she concerns herself with performance art in the public. Aiming at “extending art domain”, she tries to bring new possibilities to contemporary art through breaking concepts and forms in the boundary of art. Recently, she has founded a new art space, “instant 42”, in Luzhou, making the constructing and managing of space as a kind of form in creation, which , in the end, is a complex art space for exhibition, studio, and artist-in-residence.