Clinton Green x Chun-liang Liu

Artists/// Clinton Green x Chun-liang Liu
Clinton Green is an Australian artist who has worked at the fringes of music and noise since the early 1990s. He has worked with new approaches to electric guitar (recording and performing under the moniker of Undecisive God), modification/hacking of turntables as dynamic generators of random sonic materials, and in various forms of free improvisation. He is also a published writer with a focus on the history of experimental music in Australia.

Chun-liang Liu is a female Taiwanese artist who is currently investigating the body in the public spaces in Melbourne and Taipei. Her works take the phenomenological perspectives as a lens to look into the sense of being via field observation and live interaction. Recent performing works include Library Dreams (with Clinton Green and Hi-God People) and SLV-Wake (with Clinton Green and Shani Holmes). She’s currently studying at the Centre for Ideas, Victorian College of the Arts for Interdisciplinary Arts Practice (Masters by Research). Chun-liang is interested in different forms of “encounter”, especially creating different frictions by body movements and interaction.

Performance Introduction/// 
默契 - Chun-liang Liu and Clinton Green are artists working together with dance, music, movement and sound. Their performances, often unofficial and in public spaces, seek engagement and interaction with audiences and passersby. 默契describes their connection in performance.

藝術家/// Clinton Green x Chun-liang Liu
澳洲藝術家Clinton Green於1990年代起專研介於音樂與噪音兩者間的創作,之後進而嘗試1. 以Undecisive God的名字進行電吉他創作的收錄與現場演出;2改良、改製唱盤機成為隨機播放聲響素材的發生器;3 嘗試不同形式的即興創作。Clinton同時也是聚焦在澳洲實驗音樂發展歷程上的出版作家。
台灣藝術家劉純良近期於台北及墨爾本進行身體於公共空間關係的探索,她的創作從像是由鏡頭往外觀測的對現象的洞察,以田野式觀察及現場互動的方式,觀測人類的情感感知。近期的創作包含與Clinton Green及Hi-God People合作的Library Dreams,以及SLV-Wake。目前就讀於墨爾本大學,攻讀跨領域創作碩士。創作中琢磨於各種不同形式的“交匯”,尤其是自身體移動與互動過程中所發生的各種摩擦、衝突與碰撞。

「默契」是由劉純良與Clinton Green兩位藝術家,結合舞蹈、音樂、動作與聲音進行的創作,他們的表演通常是發生在公眾場域的非正式演出,尋同觀眾及路過民眾互動與交集的點。透過表演帶出彼此間的連結與「默契」。

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