Jason Kahn

Special-invited Artists(USA)
Artist- 1.︱Jason Kahn

Jason Kahn is a musician, artist and writer. He was born 1960 in New York and grew up in Los Angeles. He re-located to Europe in 1990 and is currently based in Zürich.
As an electronic musician, vocalist and drummer Kahn collaborates regularly with many musicians, both in improvised settings and in the context of graphical scores which he composes for specific groups.
Kahn's other activities include sound pieces for radio, film, dance and theater. He has also designed numerous CD, LP and cassette covers. As a writer, his work has appeared in books, magazines and as liner notes to many audio publications.
Performing regularly around the world, Kahn has given concerts throughout Europe, North and South America, Australia, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Turkey and South Africa.
From 1998 until 2008 Kahn ran the label Cut, releasing twenty-five CD's which included both his own work and that of many other artists.
In 2011 Kahn started the Editions imprint to publish his own recordings and writings. 
Voice - http://tinyurl.com/k2pcehg
Electronics - http://tinyurl.com/mw5wpbj
Homepage - http://jasonkahn.net

演出者- 1.︱Jason Kahn
生於1960年, 紐約。在洛杉磯成長的Jason Kahn是一位樂手、藝術家及作家。於90年代遷居至歐洲,現定居於蘇黎世。Kahn的音樂遊走於不同風格與類型,涉獵的範圍包含實驗電子、人聲及爵士鼓樂,曾參與不同的即興樂演奏或是親自為某些樂團譜曲的合作演出。Kahn探討「空間」的系列裝置作品曾於各國的美術館、藝廊、藝術空間及公共空間展出。他也為電台、電影、舞作及劇場做配樂,並為為數眾多的唱片設計封面。他書寫的文章、文案也多見於雜誌、書籍或是唱片出版品。已曾於歐洲各地、南北美洲、澳洲、埃及、香港、印度、以色列、日本、韓國、俄國、新加坡等世界各國演出。創立唱片品牌Cut,發行過25張CD包含Kahn自己的作品。2011年始,他以Editions作為發行個人作品的網路平台。

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