Artist︱Xanthe Yang x Ariel Tang
Two girls Xanthe Yang and Ariel Tang - Xanthe who likes the minimal and detailed side of Electronic - Techno music and Ariel who is infatuated with the subtle, heavy atmospheric Stoner Doom endeavor to extract ideas from those unpredictable, uncertain physical experiences and make abstract emotions and concretized concepts become separately existing sound particles.
They believe sound as a communication medium, it sticks closely to and synchronize human’s delicate cranial nerves and feelings across individuals as well as reflects the flow of self-consciousness. After portraying different affections to specific sound particles, Ariel and Xanthe work them into impromptu collages and merge with theatrical narrative till sound itself gets the space, audience into simultaneous and the work eventually to be whole and complete.
Performance Introduction︱
If every sentiment has its own particular connected sound wave, then what would the wave of psychic trauma be like? This time, Ariel and Xanthe look steadily at traumatic experiences, creating the sound to represent the ghosts following closely behind in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul by picking up sharp, grinding noise and those associated with physical experiences such as: breathing, sighing and heart-beating, moreover, with gloomy, thick and heavy low-frequency as bass. And for vision, ink is the main core as well as a symbolic meaning of trauma.
演出者︱Xanthe Yang x Ariel Tang
迷戀Stoner Doom紮實音牆及迷詭氛圍的Ariel Tang與喜愛細緻極簡Techno電子樂的Xanthe Yang,力圖由看似反覆又幻化無常的肉身經驗中萃取創作元素,並將抽象情感與概念具象化為獨立存在的聲音粒子,Ariel及Xanthe深信,聲音即為溝通之手段,它緊扣人纖細的腦神經及七情六慾,並與個體同步,鏡象呈現意識的流轉。將表彰不同情感的聲音粒子描繪出來後,Ariel及Xanthe即依當下感受對色感不同的聲音顆粒進行即興拼貼,並以戲劇性敘事口吻鋪陳故事,直至聲音本身與主人聽者空間同步,成為完整的圓。
倘若每種情緒都有與其共鳴的聲音波形,那麼,創傷的波形是什麼? 本次展演,Ariel與Xanthe直視創傷體驗,音樂部份選用冰冷尖銳,欲割裂二尖瓣膜的噪音與呼吸、歎息、心跳等貼合肉身經驗的聲音粒子捕捉創傷的力道,並以沈鬱厚重的低頻為底音,如深潛於靈魂深處的鬼魅,如影隨形、貫穿全曲。視覺部份則由象徵創痛的墨為主軸。
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