YAO, Chung-Han ( 姚仲涵 )

Artist︱YAO, Chung-Han
Born 1981 in Taipei, Taiwan. YAO devoted himself to sound, installations and live performances. His works showed the dialogue between lights and sounds, trying to evoke the sense of the bodies of audiences. Fluorescent tubes and laser were constantly used in YAO’s works as the form of lights.

As an active emerging sound artist, YAO founded “i/O Lab.” to organize sound performance events including “Nan-Hai Sound”, “Lacking Sound Festival” and “U*SOUND” since 2005. These events gave young sound artists a stage, also brought more audiences into this field in Taiwan.

In 2008, YAO was awarded Sound Art Prize at Digital Art Festival Taipei (Taiwan). He also gained international praises, constantly performed and exhibited in several Asian cities and Europe. He was invited by "The 4th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale" (2009, Japan), "NTT ICC - Emergincies!014" in Tokyo (2010, Japan), "STEIM - Massive Light Boner" in Amsterdam (2010, Netherlands).

YAO was graduated from Graduate Institute of Arts and Technology, Taipei National University of the Arts. Now He lectures at Architecture Department, Shih Chien University as an Adjunct Instructor where he earned a bachelor’s degree.

Performance Introduction︱LLSP (Laser-Lamps Sound Performance)
Anxiety is a physical condition.
Symptoms appear in your body, disorderly.
You call it out of control, or a release from the restraint…

How to write a code to command your body ?


1981年生於台北,國立臺北藝術大學科技藝術研究所藝術碩士畢業,擅長聲音及空間裝置藝術。2005年發起聲音組織「i/O Lab.」,策劃臺灣年輕創作者的演出計畫如「南海啥聲」、「失聲祭」、「聯音計畫」,致力推廣臺灣聲音藝術文化的向下紮根,為臺灣十分活耀之聲音藝術家。2008年曾獲台北數位藝術節聲音藝術首獎,並受邀參與2009年日本「福岡亞洲藝術三年展」、2010年日本「NTT ICC - Emergencies!014」 、2010荷蘭「STEIM - Massive Light Boner」,近年創作多次發表於亞洲各城市與歐洲。


表演簡介︱LLSP (Laser-Lamp Sound Performance)


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