空殼蝸牛:) ~1escV? un escargot vide ? ( Sébastien Szczyrk)

Artist︱un escargot vide ?( Sébastien Szczyrk) 
I come from the North Eastern part of France (Vosges). After my studies at the School of Fine Arts in Mulhouse, i graduated from the Beaux-Arts in Paris with honors in 2005.
My work is a multi-disciplinary one, and goes from my visual researches to my sound experimentations.


Performance Introduction︱
When I was a child, I used drawings to communicate with other kids, it created connections with my entourage. Until now, I still had a strong feeling in my mind about my first drawing. Drawing to me, it’s more like a present, a message, a souvenir and a link between humans.

I always wanted to reconcile my two media attraction; drawing and sound art into a multi-disciplinary art project. Since year 2010, I started to use real-time drawing projection to present my work by using projector, computer drawing software (created with "Processing") and the Wacom drawing pen tablet, which evolves with sound into multimedia performances. During live performances, I tried to create a narrative combination between sounds and drawings: as a means of leading the audience into an imaginary tales.

I'm currently working on my art project using the name “Un Escargot Vide ?", "~1escV?" (An empty snail?)   www.1escV.eu

Across LSF sound and live drawing performance, i would like to mix my both creative universes in order to compose a kind of sensitive travel to the audience. Using soundscape, electronic melodies and colorful lines, i would like to invite the viewers to construct their own narrative experience according to present imaginary tales and personal past history....

演出者︱空殼蝸牛:)  ~1escV? un escargot vide ?
畢業於巴黎高等藝術學院的法國藝術家Sébastien Szczyrk 創作媒材相當廣泛,從雕塑、錄像、裝置到實驗性音樂,其題材時而詼諧時而充滿批判意象。對藝術家Sébastien而言,繪畫線條是一種無法取帶的符碼,從桌腳直到住家的牆面,遍及他所有的日常生活環境。在實驗性音樂演出時,樂譜裡記載的不是單調的音符,而是佈滿活潑色彩的線條與色塊,圖像乘載著音符,正是Sébastien即興表演裡靈感的延伸的開始。




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