KK. Null ( Kazuyuki Kishino 岸野一之 )

Artist︱KK. Null (Kazuyuki Kishino)

(real name : KAZUYUKI KISHINO) was born in Tokyo, Japan. Composer, guitarist, singer, mastermind of ZENI GEVA and electronic wizard. One of the top names in Japanese noise music and in a larger context, one of the great cult artists in experimental music since the early 80's. In 1985 he established his own label NUX ORGANIZATION to produce & release his own works and subsequently the bands such as MELT-BANANA and SPACE STREAKINGS. He also produced the series of "Dead Tech" (compilation albums by Japanese bands) which heralded Japanese alternative music boom internationally from the early 90's to date. After playing the guitar as his main instrument for some twenty years, KK NULL has gradually moved towards a more electronic approach. In recent years he has concentrated his efforts on his solo & collaborative recordings, exploring the outer territories of electronica, creating intense clashing wave of noise, structured electro-acoustic ambience, broken down rhythmics, scattered pitch sculptures, droning isolationist material which could be described "cosmic noise maximal/minimalism"

Performance Introduction︱Cosmic noise maximal/minimalism

“Cosmic noise maximal/minimalism”, exploring the outer territories of electronica, creating intense clashing wave of noise with structured electro-acoustic ambience, broken down rhythmics, scattered pitch sculptures, droning isolationist material, brain melting si-fi psychedelic soundscapes. At live performance, Kazuyuki Kishino (KK Null) jumps from rhythm to static noise to multi layered psychedelica in amazing grace and speed. More layers are added over the previous ones and creates an almost living mechanism that blows your mind away.

演出者︱KK. Null ( Kazuyuki Kishino 岸野一之 )

KK NULL,本名KAZUYUKI KISHINO,生於日本東京。他身兼作曲家、吉他手、日本噪音搖滾團體的主腦,也是電子音樂的能手。對日本噪音音樂界來說,他極富盛名,而如果將範圍看得更廣,他則是自80年代早期以來,實驗音樂界裡最偉大也最狂熱的藝術家之一。
1985年,他創造了自己的品牌NUX ORGANIZATION,並於此名下創作發表自己的作品,進而也孕育出如MELT-BANANA和SPACE STREAKINGS這些團體。他也製作一系列的日本樂團選輯,名為Dead Tech。此舉也預示了日本另類音樂在全球的繁盛時期,自90年代開始,至今依然。

KK NULL演奏吉他二十多年之後,開始逐漸轉向電子音樂的領域。近年來,他致力於其獨奏與合作演出的錄音、探索電子音樂更寬廣的可能、在噪音中創造激烈的衝突感、建構電子聲響的環境、打破節奏與音準、從孤立主義汲取低頻材料,又稱為「宇宙雜訊」或「極繁/簡主義」。

表演簡介︱Cosmic noise maximal/minimalism

「宇宙雜訊,極繁/簡主義」,探索電子音樂更寬廣的可能、在噪音中創造激烈的衝突感、建構電子聲響的環境、打破節奏與音準、從孤立主義汲取低頻材料,以及能夠溶化大腦的si-fi迷幻音景。在現場表演上,KK Null以驚人的從容和速度,從節奏跳到靜態噪音,到多層次的迷幻音響。一層一層堆疊而成的音響,創造出像是一種活生生的聲音機制,令人驚嘆。


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