LackingSoundFest. x Digilog x Lars Åkerlund 台北演出

LackingSoundFest. x Digilog x Lars Åkerlund 台北演出
2015, 12月9日, Starts At 19:30 @DigiLog 聲響實驗室


• 藝術家︱Lars Åkerlund

來自瑞典斯德哥爾摩的 Lars Åkerlund 是一位作曲家、聲音藝術家、電子音樂與電聲音樂表演藝術家。受正規音樂訓練的 Lars,主要活躍於地下音樂場景,與著名噪音藝術家 Zbigniew Karkowski 等人共組P.I.T.T.,以及與瑞典著名導演 Johan Söderberg 等團員組成 Lucky People Center。

Lars 使用電腦、現場各種不同的電子設備,像是擴音單弦琴(amplified monochord)等進行編曲及現場演出。除了個人的演出,Lars 也持續與不同的藝術家進行合作演出,包含 Kasper T Toeplitz、Zbigniew Karkowski、CM von Hausswolff、Jean-Louis Huhta、Dror Feiler 等。

自 90 年代起,Lars 替不同的當代舞團制作音樂,合作的編舞家有 Per Jonsson、Björn Elisson、Johan Inger 等人,合作的單位包含倫敦的蘭柏特舞團、芬蘭國家芭蕾舞團、瑞典哥德堡及斯德哥爾摩芭蕾歌舞劇院等。隨團巡演於美國、歐洲、日本、非洲、南美洲各地。

Lars 也替電影做配樂,像是由 Jan Troell 執導,榮獲 1992 柏林影展銀熊獎及瑞典金甲蟲獎最佳影片的《船長》(Il Capitano),以及於 1999 舊金山國際影展、西班牙 Valladolid 國際影展的獲獎電影〈Their Frozen Dream〉。今年他參與了在東京舉辦的寂聲節(the Sound of Silence festival),替一部 1932 年的中國默片進行配樂演出。

自 80 年代起,Lars 已參與過各式不同跨域的合作演出,合作對象包含視覺藝術家、表演藝術家與錄像藝術家等。遊歷於歐洲、非洲、美國、亞洲各地,參與駐村計劃、舉辦講座、工作坊與巡迴演出。

• Artists︱Lars Åkerlund

Lars Åkerlund is a composer, sound artist and performer of mainly electronic and electro acoustic music. Classically trained but mainly active in the underground scene, co-founding bands like P.I.T.T. (with Zbigniew Karkowski et al) and Lucky People Center (with Johan Söderberg et al).

He composes and performs live with computers, controllers and different live electronic equipment, such as amplified monochord.

He works both as a solo artist and in collaborations with other artists. Musical collaborations include Kasper T Toeplitz, Zbigniew Karkowski, CM von Hausswolff, Jean-Louis Huhta, Dror Feiler, Lise-Lotte Norelius, Freddie Wadling, Leif Elggren, Kent Tankred, Flesh Quartet, Kroumata and Johan Söderberg.

Since the 90’ies he makes music for contemporary dance with choreographers Per Jonsson, Björn Elisson, Johan Inger and Cristina Caprioli and the Rambert Dance Company, London, Finnish National Ballet, Helsinki, the Gothenburg Opera Ballet, Stockholm Opera Ballet and most of the major Nordic dance companies, as well as the companies of the choreographers. Touring in Africa, South America, Japan, USA and in Europe.

Lars Åkerlund made music for film director Jan Troell’s Il Capitano (Silver Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival 1992 and the Guldbaggen Award for Best Film 1992, Stockholm) and Their Frozen Dream (Awarded at San Francisco International Film Festival 1999 and Valladolid International Film Festival 1999). In 2015 he made the music for the Sound of Silence festival in Tokyo playing live to a Chinese silent movie from 1932.

Since the 80’ies he made a lot of collaborations with visual artists, performers and video artists.

He participated in numerous festivals in Europe, Africa, USA and Asia.

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