● Artists︱Yuko Kaseki(JP)x You-sheng Zhang(TW)
Yuko Kaseki is Butoh dancer, performer, improviser, choreographer and teacher, based in Berlin since 1995. Her Solo and ensemble performances, improvisations are performed throughout Europe, Russia, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentine, Australia and the USA. These works are physical performance that incorporates Butoh dance, performing art with objects, texts, and soundscapes.
Her works got an award “the Best Ensemble Performance” by Isadora Duncan Dance Award (SF) and nominated by The Dora Mavor Moore Awards (Toronto), no-ballet (Ludwigshafen), Toyota Choreography Award (Tokyo).
She performs and organizes dance-music improvisation series “AMMO-NITE GIG” (Vol.1 - 48 and on going) with international performers and musicians in Berlin since 2004.
Her third visit in Taiwan, this time she stays at Treasure Hill Artist Village. Her residency presentation will be shown on September 26th!
You-sheng Zhang(aka. Sovietronic)
A no-input noise artist, theatre music design, critic and organizer from Taipei. I was a guitarist in a rock band from 2002 to 2007. Since 2009, I have founded a label called Kandala Records that try to release sound works of mainly Taiwanese noise artists and musicians doing improvisation. In 2011, I collaborated with Dawang Yingfan Huang under the name Minkoku Hyakunen (民国百年) which got the honorary mentions of 'Digital Musics and Sound Art' of Prix Ars Electronica 2012.
● 藝術家︱Yuko Kaseki(JP)x 張又升(TW)
Yuko Kaseki
自1995年起,以柏林作為創作基地—Yuko Kaseki展開其身為一位舞踏舞者、表演者、即興表演家、編舞家及教師等不同身份的創作歷程。無論是個人的獨演與團體合作,亦或是即興演出,Yuko浸濡於創作的步伐已遍至歐洲、俄國、日本、台灣、韓國、馬來西亞、泰國、加拿大、墨西哥、烏拉圭、阿根廷、澳洲及美國。這些肢體演出的作品,展現出舞踏與物件、文字、音景等表演藝術形式不同層面的結合。
自2004年起,於柏林舉辦了一系列稱作「AMMO-NITE GIG」的即興舞蹈音樂系列活動,並常於活動中與來自各國的表演者、音樂家合作演出。
2002年起,自組搖滾樂隊,參與台灣各大音樂祭,並於台北各中小型Live House演出。2007年,開始接觸混音器自體循環的反饋噪音,並發表聲音作品。2011年,與黃大旺共組「民国百年」,以音景介/融入與無厘頭對話為基調錄製《百戰天龍》,獲得2012年奧地利電子藝術大獎「數位音樂與聲音藝術類」榮譽賞,現已絕版。2011年底起,亦從事劇場音樂設計與執行,並書寫相關評論。
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