Chung-Kun WANG ( 王仲堃 )

photo by 陳藝堂

Artist︱Chung-Kun WANG 
Born in 1982, Taipei-based Chung-Kun WANG works across media art in the development of sound, sculpture, video, kinetic art and installation. He has created various forms of machinery that have consistently maintained an intriguing purity and peculiar sense of beauty. As viewers approach the work these machines operate on their own – making sound, switching on and off, exhaling, spinning or twinkling – each creation with its own variation of rhythm and multiple actions.

About LSF Artist-in-Residence Program 2︱
I have a close relation with LSF. Since I started to do some sound creation, YAO, as a pioneer, launched a local monthly sound art activity with us. Till now, it has been five years and 61 performances in all, providing an indispensable platform of sound creation in Taiwan and various performances and results.

I'll play a role as a creator in the LSF Artist-in-Residence Program, and will have a conversation about sound art with artists from different fields in August, October and December. And in the performance in December, we'll try to make the audience a part of improvisation on-site. Nowadays, everything is art, thus, we are consider a possibility whether the participation of the audience could be a construction of sound.



2012年獲文建會藝術人才駐村交流計畫,赴澳洲雪梨Artspace駐村,2011年《空.器-裝置版》獲得高雄美術獎觀察員特別獎,2010年與編舞家黃翊合作的《交響樂計畫-壹、機械提琴》獲得台北數位藝術表演獎首獎。重要展覽有2010年「+-*/ 」聲音裝置個展,2012年 「超旅程 – 未來媒體藝術展」 等。



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